When you hear the word ‘gamification’ the chances are that you don’t associate it with education –however in recent years it has become mainstream fare for businesses, brands, consumers, educators and learners. It has found its way into groundbreaking science projects, presidential elections and leading educational resources.
When you hear the word ‘gamification’ the chances are that you don’t associate it with education –however in recent years it has become mainstream fare for businesses, brands, consumers, educators and learners. It has found its way into groundbreaking science projects, presidential elections and leading educational resources. Read Article ➜
As the recent HSE ransomware attack cruelly demonstrated, any organisation is now fair game for cybercriminals to extract a bounty – regardless of the human cost. Sean O’Halloran. (Associate) and Tara Cosgrove (Partner) Beale & Co walk us through the current cybercrime landscape and how best to mitigate against attacks Read Article ➜
As the recent HSE ransomware attack cruelly demonstrated, any organisation is now fair game for cybercriminals to extract a bounty – regardless of the human cost. Sean O’Halloran (Associate) and Tara Cosgrove (Partner) Beale & Co walk us through the current cybercrime landscape and how best to mitigate against attacks. Read Article ➜
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