Apprentices are Future Proofing the Insurance Sector
Issue 17 - Summer 2021
We are living through a time of rapid and significant change - technology and innovation are shaping the insurance sector and radicalising insurance solutions – in order to stay relevant insurance companies and their staff need to be educated and informed. These changes, coupled with large scale retirements, which will lead to an exodus of institutional knowledge, means the insurance industry could face a skills shortage in the future.
The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship was set up as a way to future proof the insurance sector – it allows insurance companies to find the right talent for their business, but it also provides a structure so that the apprentices are trained to the highest standard. The programme gives the apprentices the skills they need not just for today, but for the future of insurance.
Once they have completed the programme apprentices will have the following invaluable skills:
Let’s Hear from the Apprentices