Featured in this edition:
Not Just Another Brick in the Wall: Why life-long learning is the key to success.
Cultivating the Skills that Employers will Need: what exactly are these skills that are currently lacking in the workforce and what specifically do employers want?
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) - A Game Changer in Battle Against Uninsured Driving: In Ireland, ANPR was introduced on an initial basis in Garda roadpolicing vehicles in late 2019 and continues to operate across the country.
Choosing Healthier and Sustainable Habits for Improved Well-being: We have all had to make huge adjustments to how we live our lives, and for many this may have resulted in some healthy habits falling by the wayside.
With learning comes awareness, and with awareness comes the ability to be able to do things better, to contribute more to the world around you, to enhance your own life and the lives of others. Scientific research has shown that learning can change the architecture of the brain and can lead to a more fulfilled and contented life. Many believe that education and learning are fundamental to life – we never stop learning and obtaining new knowledge, but it’s what we do with this information and our appetite for it that will determine its relevance to us. As Michelle Obama once said, “The person with the biggest impact on your education is you.”
It will come as a surprise to many to learn that one in every thirteen private vehicles currently on the roads in the Republic of Ireland is an uninsured vehicle. That’s the startling figure revealed by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland (MIBI). Read Article ➜
To say that technological advances have changed the workplace is an understatement. Innovation and technology are central to everything we do and those that are not keeping pace are in danger of getting left behind. Globalisation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics are seen as the greatest threats to jobs – and while many individuals are worried about the impact these advances will have on their livelihoods, Chief Executives are concerned about a lack of talent. Read Article ➜
Over the past few months, we have all had to make huge adjustments to how we live our lives, and for many, this may have resulted in some healthy habits falling by the wayside. Read Article ➜
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